Tara’s Triple Excellence Retreat

Price: Suggested contribution towards expenses: 150.- Euros includes all fees, meals, and lodging. More generous donations are graciously welcomed, while allowances can be offered to participants with limited resources. The choice is yours.

Finally, the online Tara Terma meditation program also exists in German!

Gomde is delighted to offer a retreat on the first Excellence of this excellent meditation program. Anybody interested in taking the first steps along the Buddhist path will find this seminar a perfect opportunity to discover the teachings of the Buddha and to get a real taste of them.

Following the structure of the program, Lama Tenzin Sangpo will guide us through the meditations of the four mind changes, then on taking refuge and finally on the profound four noble truths.

Lama- la will make sure that we don’t leave the teachings of the Buddha as mere theory but to make it an actual experience and put it into practice. There will be also plenty of room for questions on buddhist philosophy and exchange of experience.

This group seminar can be the perfect starting point for your individual practice at home.

The seminar starts with your arrival at Gomde by 16.00 on the first day and will conclude after lunch on the final day.

The suggested donation includes lodging, food and seminar charges.

Rangjung Yeshe Gomde`s team wishes to make sure that all those sincerely interested in attending Gomde`s retreats can afford to participate. Therefore, if you are blessed with the resources to help support other applicants unable to afford the full cost of the seminar, we cordially welcome more generous contributions.
Know that your offering is received with our heartfelt appreciation for your compassionate generosity. As always, thank you so much!

For registration click here

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